Sunday, August 7, 2011

I cheated on my new boyfriend with my long term Ex............?

I feel odd going here for my problems, but I have no one to talk to. I will make this as short as possible, please bear with me....sorry if its long. I was with my ex boyfriend Andy, when I was just 15. We were together until I was 19 (I'm 22 now). I come from a strict background, my parents never approved of him because he was white. We attempted to hide our relationship and succeeded until we eventually had to tell them ourselves as we can no longer keep it a secret.It was a chaos, my parents tried everything to tear us apart and even threatened him and his family. Andy and I eventually fought because he wanted me to stand up to my parents, but it wasn't really all that simple.My father decided to move back there and gave me a choice to come with them or stay for Andy. The stress really tore us apart,we said some stuff we didn't mean, and eventually led to a nasty break up. I went back home with my family and slowly moved on or so I thought. I went to college and tried to forget about him. I met my new boyfriend when I was studying to become a telecommunication engineer. After,about 5 months of meeting, we were in a relationship.I never spoke to Andy until he contacted me on facebook which I made just months ago. We talked casually, nothing too serious.We never spoked again till after I came back here in Orlando. I visited my best friend who knows Andy. She had a gathering and invited some people including Andy. I didn't think this was a problem because afterall it was three years ago. We chatted and got along well and then throughout our really long conversation, I started to feel the way i felt when we were together.We brought up memories from highschool.He invited me for coffee and walks.I realized what I was doing was wrong and I told Andy that i couldn't do it. We got into a heated argument and brought up things from the past.He told me he never got into a serious relationship since and he always missed me and wished he fought for me back then.I felt the same, I couldn't lie to myself.I didn't want to do this to my new boyfriend, but I did it. I cheated. I don't know why I did it, but I knew what I was doing.I slept with Andy and I honestly want to be with him.I love my new boyfriend, but it can never compare to what I feel about Andy. I don't know if this is just a for the moment thing, but now I've gotten myself into deep trouble. If I decide to leave my new boyfriend for Andy, my family will cause some problems again.I'm also so confused about my feelings.I'm terrified of what's going to happen. No one knows what I've been doing. I'm not suppose to be going back to the Philippines for another 2 weeks.I feel so guilty and ashamed of what I'm doing. As of now, I have to choose between going back and forget about Andy or I'm going to stay and face the consenquences that might come. I don't what to do. I'm having mixed feelings about this.i don't know who I really want to be with. I need some guidance, can anyone please give me advice?

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