Sunday, August 7, 2011

Should we seek couples therapy?

Okay me and my sons father were together for 3.5 years, broke up in aug. when i cheated. we recenty ( last month ) got back together, months after our breakup I was seeing someone and got pregnant, so thats where things get tricky. However last month when we got back together we came clean about EVERYTHING from the beginning of our relationship to that point. It felt great I felt like I was on cloud 9 and even told him last week if he wanted to move back he could. Last night I saw an email msg to a mutual friend, turns out they dated and neither bothered to tell me about it ( which is heartbreaking because i told her repeatedly how I hope he finds someone to treat him good etc and the whole time she was with him and didnt tell me ) and everyday Im made to feel like **** that I am knocked up by someone else ( even though we were broken up for months ) and his family goes on that I am money hungry and thats why I am with him ( even though I make like 400+ more a month then he was when we got back tg ), only to find out when I confronted him about the emails, that his family and friends were all supportive of him being with her ! The one who has a daughter with his best friend, who was pregnant while they were together with someone else, living at her parents with no income what so ever! I feel completely broken and Im scared this will ruin what I have been fighting so hard to repair. Should we seek couples therapy? Becuase whenever I try to have a calm talk with him, it turns bad and he says alot of hurtful things ( about how I got knocked up by someone, and thats not as bad as him lying about them etc. thus proving my ''it was okay for her to be pregnant but not me'' theory) I really dont want to lose my family a second time around, but I dont know how I can cope with this.

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